Welcome to views

Houston apartment locating made simple and stress free.

Finding your perfect Houston pad is not just a search—it’s a journey! Sit back and relax, and let’s talk apartments, my friend. Free of charge (no strings attached), we want to make this process simple, get started below, and tell us a little about yourself.

How it works?

Give us the 411!

Tell us when you want to move, what you like, whether it’s space, certain bathroom features, island in kitchen, whatever. If it’s out there better believe we will find it for you!

Like a kid in a candy store, Pick what you want!

No more annoying google searching and apartment calling. With the information you give us, one of our amazing locators will find you a list of apartments that meet your wants and needs. You just kick back and do the choosing.

Stress Free leasing

Go into your new apartment confident that you got the best deal being offered, your wants and needs were met, and you didn’t have to stress throughout the process.

About Us

Embark on a Journey to Your Perfect Houston Pad

Here at VOTA, we understand that your home isn’t just a place to crash; it’s your personal oasis. Whether you’re into urban vibes, laid-back suburbs, or something in between, we’ve got your back
(and your front door).

Our Vision

Transforming the quest for the perfect Houston residence into a personalized and hassle-free adventure, Views of Texas Locating envisions a future where every home search is a seamless journey, not just a transaction.

Our Mission

Free of charge and full of expertise, our mission at VOTA is to simplify your apartment hunt, serving as your trusted companions through the complexities. We’re here to make finding your ideal Houston pad a breeze, tailored to your unique lifestyle.

Deals, Deals, Deals, we got them!

We work with all the local apartments to ensure that specials are being provided to all of our friends!

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Why Choose Us

We get the job done

Have a budget?

Let us work with your budget, and get you want you want.

Lease stress- free

Moving can be stressful, let an experienced agent who understands the local market Be able to make your experience a breeze.


Review from our customers


"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam nec justo sed sapien gravida dapibus consectetur et nulla. Praesent suscipit dictum imperdiet. Proin non aliquet libero, ut vulputate risus. Donec sed tempus purus."

Amanda Waller Customer

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam nec justo sed sapien gravida dapibus consectetur et nulla. Praesent suscipit dictum imperdiet. Proin non aliquet libero, ut vulputate risus. Donec sed tempus purus."

Hans Ramoray Customer

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam nec justo sed sapien gravida dapibus consectetur et nulla. Praesent suscipit dictum imperdiet. Proin non aliquet libero, ut vulputate risus. Donec sed tempus purus."

Linda Panson Customer

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